Friday, January 24, 2020
Problems With My Neighbors :: essays research papers
How are your neighbors with you? You are lucky if they treat you as a member of their family, but what about if it is the contrary? What about if they treat you as a thing not as a human? If this is your situation, I know how you are feeling. I know it because I am living this kind of life. In other words, I do not get along with my neighbors. From the day I moved into my house, I have had to deal with their unfriendly, dirty, and noisy way of living. First of all, my neighbors are very unfriendly people, and that is why they are hated. For example, during the day when I see them, they do not say hello to me. Sometimes, I try to have a conversation with them, but they always ignore me or give me a cold look. Since the day they ignore me, I began to hate them for being the way they are. In addition, my neighbors are not only mean with me, but with my children, too. Sometimes, when they are playing in front of their house, my neighbors come out and tell them to leave using a filthy language that scare my children. Second, the awful thing is not only that my neighbors are unfriendly, but they are dirty, too. For example, during the week, they often throw their trash in front of my house. Although, whenever I see it, I always clean it, but later they throw more. They are irresponsible people who do not care about others around them. Moreover, their yard looks like a jungle with empty cans and bottles and other trash among the big grass that is growing. Why do not they care about it? How lazy they are! Perhaps, they do not know the meaning of the word ?gclean.?h Finally, the other thing that makes my neighbors mean, besides being unfriendly and dirty, is that they are very noisy. They have three children and the smallest, the baby, is the one that makes all the noise during the day. He is always crying because he is hungry or because he wants something. Why do not his parents try to lull him? Besides the baby, they also have one big dog that barks all the time. For example, the other day I was going to study, but then it began to bark, and thanks to its harmful noise, I could not concentrate on what I was doing. Problems With My Neighbors :: essays research papers How are your neighbors with you? You are lucky if they treat you as a member of their family, but what about if it is the contrary? What about if they treat you as a thing not as a human? If this is your situation, I know how you are feeling. I know it because I am living this kind of life. In other words, I do not get along with my neighbors. From the day I moved into my house, I have had to deal with their unfriendly, dirty, and noisy way of living. First of all, my neighbors are very unfriendly people, and that is why they are hated. For example, during the day when I see them, they do not say hello to me. Sometimes, I try to have a conversation with them, but they always ignore me or give me a cold look. Since the day they ignore me, I began to hate them for being the way they are. In addition, my neighbors are not only mean with me, but with my children, too. Sometimes, when they are playing in front of their house, my neighbors come out and tell them to leave using a filthy language that scare my children. Second, the awful thing is not only that my neighbors are unfriendly, but they are dirty, too. For example, during the week, they often throw their trash in front of my house. Although, whenever I see it, I always clean it, but later they throw more. They are irresponsible people who do not care about others around them. Moreover, their yard looks like a jungle with empty cans and bottles and other trash among the big grass that is growing. Why do not they care about it? How lazy they are! Perhaps, they do not know the meaning of the word ?gclean.?h Finally, the other thing that makes my neighbors mean, besides being unfriendly and dirty, is that they are very noisy. They have three children and the smallest, the baby, is the one that makes all the noise during the day. He is always crying because he is hungry or because he wants something. Why do not his parents try to lull him? Besides the baby, they also have one big dog that barks all the time. For example, the other day I was going to study, but then it began to bark, and thanks to its harmful noise, I could not concentrate on what I was doing.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Hamlet Love for Ophelia
Hamlets Love For Ophelia Although the play Hamlet was written nearly 450 years ago by William Shakespeare, scholars still pose the question, â€Å"Did Hamlet really love Ophelia? †I believe Hamlet had feelings for Ophelia, but he never demonstrated true love for her. Several times in the play Hamlet denies his love for Ophelia. If he truly loved her, he would not want to hurt her. When Hamlet accidently killed Polonius, he did not try to console Ophelia. If he truly loved her, he would have been at her side to provide comfort in her time of grief.Even at Ophelia’s funeral, he did not profess his love for Ophelia. If he truly loved her, he would have proclaimed his love for her to those present at the funeral. Hamlet’s actions prove that he didn’t have true love for Ophelia. The first time Hamlet denies his love for Ophelia is in Act III Scene I. Hamlet declares â€Å"I did love you once†after Ophelia has broken up with him. Ophelia replies â€Å" Indeed my lord you made me believe so. †Hamlet then pronounces, â€Å"You should not have believed me. †This demonstrates that Hamlet really did not love Ophelia.He continues on to express his lack of feelings for her, â€Å"I give you this plague of dowry; be thou chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shall not escape calumny. †He tells her to go away or he will destroy her good name. Although he might just be spewing words of bitterness because Ophelia has ended their relationship, if he really cared for her he would not want to slander her reputation. His lack concern for her virtuous character supports the argument that he does not truly love Ophelia.In Act III Scene IV Hamlet accidently slays Polonius. After doing so he feels no remorse and announces, â€Å"Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell. I took thee for thy better. †He believes Polonius got what he deserved. His lack of remorse for killing Ophelia’s father show he is not conc erned with her feelings. Rather than feeling saddened by this unfortunate event, Hamlet takes delight in the fact that he has killed an eavesdropper who should not have been in the room listening to a private conversation.Not only is he pleased with the fact he has killed Polonius, but he also hides the body so there can be no proper burial for Polonius. If he truly loved Ophelia, he would want to express sorrow for her loss and support her through her grief. The death of Ophelia’s father causes her to go mad and she never recovers from the loss. Ultimately, she drowns in the brook, possibly committing suicide. Hamlet never goes to Ophelia to comfort her even though her actions indicate she is loosing her sanity.He leaves for England, at the urging of Claudius, rather than stay in Denmark where he could have monitored the health of Ophelia. If Hamlet truly loved Ophelia, he would have been there for her in her time of need. In the final act Hamlet is at the graveyard when he learns of Ophelia’s death. He is speaking with a gravedigger when Claudius enters with Gertrude, Laertes, a priest, mourners and a coffin. Hamlet hears Laertes voice and realizes he is speaking of Ophelia and it is her funeral. Hamlet enters the scene and jumps into Ophelia’s grave.Laertes proclaims’ â€Å"The devil take thy soul,†and he grapples with Hamlet. It is at this point Hamlet declares his love for Ophelia. â€Å"I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her? †Hamlet only expresses his love for Ophelia after fighting with Laertes. He is trying to out do Laertes with his show of emotion. Even his mother is not convinced of his true love. She states, â€Å"This is mere madness. †In other words she is saying this too shall pass.Hamlet will get over Ophelia’s death. If he truly loved Ophelia, he would have grieved longer over her death. His display of emotion at the graveyard was only in response to the grief of Laertes and not a true love for Ophelia. If Hamlet had truly loved Ophelia, his actions would have demonstrated his true feelings. Instead he only professed his love for Ophelia when it was convenient for him. He used her for his gains and did not really show compassion for her. Even in her death he did not express genuine love for her.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Harlem Renaissance, A Cultural Movement Essay
Ally Johnson November 13, 2016 African American History Art, Music, Literature†¦Freedom. The Harlem Renaissance, a cultural movement that began in the 1920s and continued until the early 1930s, brought excitement and a new found freedom and voice to the African-Americans who had been silent and oppressed for far too long. â€Å"Centered on the Harlem district of New York City, the Harlem Renaissance was part of a nationwide urban revolution sparked by World War I. The cultural outburst, which followed the dramatic influx of Southern blacks into Northern cities during and after the war (the so-called Great Migration), brought the debate over racial identity and the future of black America to the forefront of the national consciousness†(Issues and Controversies in American History 2013). This was a time of political advancements, social criticism, and protest, as well as the growth of literature. During the Great Migration, Harlem, New York is where thousands of African Americans came to from the South because of the strong sense of racial pride and identity in thi s new place. â€Å"The Great Migration (get from book) was the mass movement of about five million southern blacks to the north and west between 1915 and 1960.†The economic motivations for migration were a combination of the desire to escape oppressive economic conditions in the south and the promise of greater prosperity in the north (Christensen 2008). Due to this, Harlem became known as the Negro Capital of the World andShow MoreRelatedThe Harlem Renaissance, A Social, Cultural, And Artistic Movement1298 Words  | 6 Pages The Harlem Renaissance was a social, cultural, and artistic movement that started in Harlem, New York during the 1920’s. Although it is generally considered to span from 1918 to the mid-1930, many of its ideas continue today. â€Å"The Harlem Renaissance was a phase of a larger New Negro movement that had emerged in the early 20th century and in some ways ushered in the civil rights movement of the late 1940’s and early 1950’sà ¢â‚¬ (Thomas, 2017). â€Å"The social foundations of this movement included the GreatRead MoreCultural Movements in the United States: The Harlem Renaissance536 Words  | 2 Pages There have been many cultural movements throughout history in this world. One of the greatest movements in this world was the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance movement is defined as a cultural movement that spanned in the 1920’s, at this time known as the Negro Movement; the movement also relied on white patronage. White patronage had a profound effect on the vitality of the Harlem Renaissance, and the evidence says the Harlem Renaissance would not have reached the heights it didRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance : A Literary, Artistic, Cultural And Intellectual Movement1485 Words  | 6 PagesTatiana Moore Mrs. Donald English III 26 March 2014 The Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was a literary, artistic, cultural and intellectual movement. The word renaissance means rebirth or revival. African Americans during this time were being pressured by Jim Crow Laws in the South. These laws separated the races tremendously (Roses). African Americans appeared ignorant, poor, and servile. Hate groups and hate crimes alarmed families, and they collectively decided it was time to make aRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1341 Words  | 6 Pagesduring the Renaissance was they had really short life there was no black people in it other than artists. 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